
Marta Valentini

Education and Training


“Executive Program in Music and Management” at LUISS – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome.


Admission to Italian Bar and enrolment at the Bar Association of Rome.


Level II University Master’s Degree in “Corporate Criminal Law”, with grade 100/100 cum laude, at LUISS – Free International University of Social Studies in Rome. Thesis in Criminal Tax Law entitled “The voluntary disclosure”.


Degree in Law, with grade 110/110 cum laude and special academic mention, at LUISS – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali of Rome. Thesis in Criminal Procedural Law entitled “The European Public Prosecutor, from the Corpus juris to the proposed Founding Regulation: lights and shadows of an unfinished genesis”.


English language diploma issued by Cambridge University, Advanced level (C1).


Professional Experience

2023 Collaboration at the law firm Legal Partner “LP Avvocati”.


2014-2022 Professional collaboration at the law firm Severino Penalisti Associati in Rome.


2014 Legal traineeship at Avvocatura Generale dello Stato in Rome.

Marta Valentini is specialized in Criminal Law and, in particular, in economic crimes (corporate, financial, bankruptcy, banking and tax), crimes against public safety and property, against public administration, against the environment and the health and safety in the workplace, as well as crimes concerning personal data protection, anti-money laundering and press defamation.
She has gained specific and extensive collaborative experience in providing judicial and extrajudicial assistance to entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, including the implementation, updating and integration of Organizational Models in favor of numerous national and multinational companies in the banking, insurance, sports, construction, oil, energy, environmental and transportation sectors.
She is President / Member of many Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001.


2023 Whistleblowing: the impact on safety and environment, Ambiente & Sicurezza
2023 Supervisory Body as manager of the whistleblowing reporting channel: reflections on the ANAC and Confindustria Guidelines, Risk and Compliance
2023 Whistleblowing in the private sector. Major innovations introduced by Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10th March, 2023, Associazione dei componenti degli Organismi di Vigilanza (AODV)


Italian, English and French.