Martina Del Prete

Education and Training


Enrollment in the Register of Qualified Trainees at the Rome Bar Association


First Level Master Degree in Corporate Criminal Law and Corporate Liability, IPSOA.


Enrollment in the trainee lawyer’s register at the Bar Association in Rome.

2016 - 2021

Master Degree in Law, University LUISS Guido Carli, thesis in Corporate Criminal Law titled: “”The prevention of corporate crime risk: management and organization of the work environment”


Professional Experience

2022 – Present Day Trainee lawyer at the LP Avvocati Law Firm, where he deals with Criminal Law


  • Trainee at the Chamber of Deputies.
  • Trainee lawyer at “Studio Penale Scialla” in Rome, in which the expertise was formed and was provided mainly in the criminal law sector

2019 Curricular internship at the Law Firm of Avv. Sergio Schlitzer, in which the expertise was formed and was provided mainly in criminal law and in economic criminal law.